Sunday, September 14, 2008

Technology in the Primary Classroom

I teach first grade and I'm always looking for kid-friendly/teacher-friendly interactive web sites. Many web sites I view involve a lot of navigation to get to the activity and are either too difficult for first graders to engage in or are merely "games" which don't have much relevance to the learning goal at hand. Do you know of learning web site for the primary student? If so, please post it to my blog. Here's one you may find engaging:


Dana Levesque said...

I know of many primary sites that you may find valueable... When you get to Topic 3: Social Bookmarking.. I will send all of my primary links to your account.

Nice Looking Blog

Mr. R. said...


One of my favorite sites is available through the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation):

They also have interactive content in Science and English.